We had a bumper crowd with the venue being filled to capacity not once, but twice!
The first was for the premiere of Lachlan Runs Free, the creative labour of love by Phil Huber, which tells the story of Lachlan and the contemporary phenomenon know as 'phubbing', or 'phone snubbing', so prevalent in today's society, particularly its' youth. The message behind this is to keep things in balance and not let technology overtake our lives. It was attended by cast and crew.
This was followed by a behind the scenes look at Lies and Love, which is due for release any day. It was an opportunity for us to meet the director/editor/colour grader (Catherine Cox), Mel the soundie, Col the sole camera operator, Justin the producer/casting director/scheduler, Joy the caterer, Jenn the clapper and Peter the writer and BTS editor. Unfortunately Richard the amazing lighting director was on a shoot..
This was repeated for the club members after the guests had left.
The rest of the evening belonged to Glenn, with theme of 'Misadventures of a movie maker'.
The first was a showing of a live event taken during the Latino music festival at the Vic Hotel, filmed with a view to creating a promotional video. The challenge with this production was that the 'client' was concerned that the lyrics of the backing song (in Spanish) didn't match what was happening on the screen. This was an interesting oversight from our English only speaking film makers.
The second film, was a promotional film of a cover rock band filmed live. The challenge here was that one of the band members engaging him didn't recognise him for his amateur video skills and wasn't supportive of the endeavour. To be honest, I enjoyed the film quality, saturated colours and Glenn's use of slow motion that enhanced the dancing.
The third was Outside Classrooms, in which his students portrayed kids as well as adults in promoting responsible behaviours outside the classroom. Unfortunately the stern representation of the boy who was role playing the adult didn't go down too well with the staff (from a PR perspective). The boy was only acting out what they experienced and observed. Hey adults, sometimes the truth hurts! The last was Walkways, with the challenge being to convey an important message, such as the proper use of walkways, without the use or need for dialogue.
The evening closed with Peter's showing of his creation 'Yarns Along the Track Errol Gray Backyard Balladeer'. I must say that Peter's story telling and editing skills are growing from strength to strength every day as he puts into practice what he learns.
Upcoming events
UGG Competition - Black and White, theme of Exposure and Movement Paul Michaels - documentary script writing and voice overs 3 x technical workshops UGG Competition - make a 1 minute advertisment to promote BMM BMM Awards Night incorporating the John Roberts Trophy
Author: Nigel O'Neill
Editor: Glenn Bruce