About Us
Storytelling through the lens
BMM has a very long history that goes all the way back to 1937 with the formation of Queensland Amateur Cine Society (QACS). In those days, they were using film stock. Being a technologically based medium, the technology being used has continually changed leading to our current members working mostly in digital media.
Over the years, the club has seen many members and executives come through; and of course a multitude of movie projects. We are proud of our heritage and the connections and service that we have provided to the community through our movie projects.
Vision Statement
Enable members to combine skills, know-how and resources to develop quality video productions.
Mission Statement
Provide the leadership and community for video enthusiasts to:
Share knowledge and experience;
Grow the skills of all members in all aspects of video production;
Use members' skills and knowledge together with the group's resources on group sponsored video production;
Showcase the work of members.