Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bluecorvette/9377533259/ (Creative Commons Attribution)
The membership numbers were up with Peter's return to the helm after travelling Outback Queensland and experiencing COVID-19 whilst in Canberra for a sombre family gathering.
Peter welcomed guests Michael and Cliff and then kicked off the night:
Read through of Glenn's script - A Matter of Choice
Members were witness to an interactive reading of Glenn's 11 Tomorrow's script, based on a future focussed green theme for a burial. Members provided some valuable suggestions to the reading, the script and possible execution techniques.
Film making on the road
Peter treated us to a 28 minute extravaganza of short movies documenting his recent travels through outback Queensland, employing different equipment (phone, gimbal, action cam, drone, DSLR) and techniques (audio/video montage, narrative, interviews, run and gun, comedy skits).
Samsung phone on a gimbal. Stunning cinematic video montage of wildlife footage set to uplifting music, featuring some awesome slo-mo shots and scenery
The Full Monty - Shot using a drone, tripod, GH5 and edited on a PC.Titled Sunrises, the first was a video montage of the sunrise in Tambo shot using a drone set to laconic country music, followed by an intervalometer sunrise of Bagara, shot on a GH5 and set to inspirational music.
Location shoot - narration of the Lara Wetlands featuring the birdlife, thermal hot springs and the relaxing camping life style. Damper and billy tea, anyone?
An impromptu comedy - Unisex dummies: the couple that grow together go together.
Hapless Peter takes on a name spelling wager for 'An easy 30 bucks', or so he thought.
No Bull Dawson - an interview featuring Joel Dawson, who comes from a cattle auctioning family based in Gracemere in Rockhampton. Despite the torrential rain, Peter still managed to get an enjoyable and informative production in the can.
Rocky Riverwalk - a hyper time lapse video montage shot on a DJI ActionCam set to REALLY energetic music. Despite getting a wee bit lost, Peter and Trish managed to fit in some rock wall climbing at the end.
Humpback Mishaps - hand held footage featuring the spectacular whales of Hervey Bay.
Certainly very practical, informative and fun examples of how to integrate film making into your holiday travels! Borrowing Club Gear Glenn showcased the club's gear which is available for members to loan: GH5, radio mics, GoPro, drone kit and explained the loan process. Unfortunately you need to be an active member of more than 6 months to loan the gear. Nomination of Treasurer As Emily has left for the UK due to personal commitments, she has resigned her post as Treasurer. We are seeking nominations from the membership base to replace her. It is a requirement of the Office of Fair Trading that a replacement is found from the membership. The club cannot operate without a Treasurer. End of Year Showcase - Peter Peter advised that BMM Awards is being replaced with a showcase and X'mas breakup party on 1 December 2022. The reason being that as activities for the 11 Tomorrow's ramp up, it will consume the Committee's and member's time. 11 Tomorrows - David's report 5 films locked in, 5 more in conceptual stage. David noted that many of the themes were quite serious and was suggested including a bit of humour. He showed 'Alien Invasion' by Jim Broadbent and 'Why being cryogenically frozen is a bad idea' He concluded by suggesting 'DALL-E 2 Explained - how to generate story boards' and closed with a mention of a Vivo drone phone. As some members have queried the ownership and copyright model of the 11 Tomorrow's, an agreement is being drafted to be circulated to the members. Salami, The Documentary Murray and Paul are heading south to country NSW to shoot a 'guts and all' documentary on salami making by an Italian family. It will be shot over 2 days and will provide a behind the scenes look into the fantasic world of making salami. That should make for interesting viewing (and possibly some eating HINT HINT). The night closed with the showing of a MichaelM QACS short movie called Comedy Capers Next Meeting Our next meeting on 1st September will feature an UGG Competition; the strongest emotions or a travelling tale/ focus on transitions. Author: Nigel O'Neill